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Nature's Realm


Ears to Hear

Original Piece: acrylic on prepared board; framed; 24"x24"


I was initially drawn to a photo of this rabbit because of the striking color and amazing design of the ear, but as I worked on the picture I got more and more into all the bold variety of colors. 


Colt at Rest

Original Piece: artist's private collection; pastel pencil; 16"x19"


Goethe said that nature is the living visible garment of God. This colt is a clear example of that thought.


Autumn Gold

Original Piece: not currently for sale; pastel on paper; 11"x14"


There is gold to be had and enjoyed everywhere, not just in the crowns of kings and rings of the rich.


Ms. Gregory's Rooster

Original Piece: crayon on paper; framed and matted; 20"x24"


This rooster done exclusively using Crayola crayons shows the wisdom of my kindergarten teacher's reverse psychology, who called my crayon work "fair" and my artwork "poor".


The Fox

Original Piece: pastel on paper; framed and matted; 12"x16"


One of God's most beautiful, graceful, mysterious and elusive creatures.


Blue Falls

Original Piece: acrylic on canvas panel; 20"x24"


Every time, season and place in nature has beauties of its own that speak of the boundless wonder of God.

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