Mystery Box

Black Rock Desert
Original Piece: acrylic on stretched canvas; 16"x20"
I can't remember anything about this picture except I was sure it needed an armadillo to be complete. Voila.
The Essentials
Original Piece: acrylic on canvas; 8"x10"
The big three are represented in an unadorned way to let the viewer make the connections: an anvil for work, a banjo for the arts and a lizard for creation.

Red Winged Creature
Original Piece: not currently for sale; mixed media on paper; framed; 22"x28"
If you were kind you might call this a whimsical look at a comically creepy creature doing its evening thing.
Fight on a Nice Background
Original Piece: mixed media on paper; 14"x18"
Warfare is a fact of life. That doesn't mean a person can't think that someday battle pictures may only be pictures in children's books of ancient history.

Pandora's Box
Original Piece: mixed media on paper; 18"x24"
My take on the Greek myth of the release of all of mankind's woes. It formerly had the title "The Viewer may Substitute Disco Records", which, in hindsight, seems a bit harsh.
Revelations 17:4
Original Piece: mixed media on paper; 7"x9"
There was a period in my life when I tried to figure out all the signs pointing to the end of time. After a while I became weary in the process and became increasingly concerned with my own "end of days".

807 Special Selection
Owl #1
Original Piece: rust assemblage; framed and matted; 20"x30"
Although owls are thought to be one of God's wisest creatures, this piece showcases time-worn materials and highlights imperfect beauty.